Client Snapshot Pre-project Worksheet

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Support is the name of the game in my book!

Giving energy and bringing a vision to live as part of a team is PattyRoserewarding and exciting. Therefore, it's important to know we are a good fit to work together. The best way for me to offer you that level of support is to gather data so I understand what you need.

This process will help you get super clear and potentially save you oodles of wasted hours and thousands of dollars. This a vital step in moving forward with a project that is fully functional and inline with your goals for the business and the website.

It is important in business to know the numbers. Money and number specifics help us grow our businesses and therefore do more good in the world. However, it is equally important to connect to the part of yourself that makes things fun and likes to create.

Where applicable, various questions will offer both Left Brain Process and Right Brain Process approaches to find the best answers for you and your business. The Inspired Success Method keeps you on your true heart-centered journey in creating a business that is supported, built on a strong foundation, and primed for success! Feel free to simply pass by any questions that do not apply.

Are you ready to have some fun creating your dreams?

Let’s Go!

To Your Inspired Success!

Patty Rose




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Paige MacKenzie Welborn


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