to Purpose and Fulfillment
Hey there, Creative Soul! 🌟
There is a concept in fitness that as you build lean muscle, that newly developed muscle replaces the fat that was once in its place. When we move toward remembering joy, we have the opportunity to transform worry and self-doubt to purpose and fulfillment. That joy, those feelings of happiness, the new found fulfillment and purpose, all begin to take up space where worry and self-doubt used to live.
It may feel magical but in fact there is growing evidence and science on mindfulness. Research on mindfulness and meditation practices has demonstrated their positive effects on mental well-being. Studies have shown that regular mindfulness practice can lead to reduced stress, increased resilience, and improved emotional regulation.
AN like anything, remembering joy is a practice.e The good news is that it can be so much fun! I think you'll see that in my video below.
“Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world.”
– Oprah Winfrey.
How to Remember Joy & Transform Worry and Self-Doubt
Here's my version of how to get out of a funk by remembering joy (well, one of the many)
Sometimes ya just need a little reminder. A little hand up, a little renewed inspiration.
At one point I was disconnected from the true connection in my work. I wasn't tuned in to what my body and soul were saying. When I finally started paying attention to that inner voice, things just clicked. When you make space for joy, it's like kicking out the negativity that used to live there.
What's guiding your path? Keep honing in on it, stay true to yourself, and keep seeking the joy you may have forgotten.
This Remembering Joy is part on my process on letting go of the stuff dragging you down. There are hundreds of posts to help you deepen these practice here on my blog.
And, If You Want to Know More

My brand new EXPERIENCE is now open to guide you through the process of the Let It Go Letters™ – so you can practice the concept of The Dance of Letting Go in a way that fuels you.
The Dance of Letting Go is a delicate journey of becoming deeply clear about what IS serving you and developing confidence to release what is not.
Sign up today (we’re starting soon!).
I have room for 5 amazing creative soul-aligned women!
I’ll share how to get super clear on your purpose, release old programming that’s been holding you back, so you can experience new energy, new you, sharing your soul-aligned business, in the New Year. Doesn’t that sound amazing? ❣️
I hope this content has inspired you to take action towards your dreams. I can't wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish with your newfound confidence and creativity! Come connect with me and share your updates.
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