It’s Spring in NY, it is STILL cold! It sure hasn’t felt like Spring, but the calendar tells me – Spring is in the Air.
I’m remaining hopeful! How about you?
With spring cleaning in mind I am reminded of my mom teaching me to focus on one thing or I'd never be done, to clean up one room at a time ie to stay FOCUSED.
You know the scenario, right? When you bring a glass from the living room into the kitchen and then you start doing the dishes when you realize that one of the wash clothes ended up with the dish towels so you bring it into the bathroom and oh, well of course you begin to wipe down the sink and so it continues…
The trick is to GO BACK To The Living Room! or it will feel like you haven’t accomplished anything and all the rooms will be partially cleaned.
Well, it’s the same thing with your computer files, your website, your digital business… do you see where I’m going with this?
So, here's how I can help ‘Marie Kondo’ your life so that you can be organized, productive and when the Spring does finally show up, have more time to go out and play 🙂 That’s my plan.