Do you tap into it on a regular basis for direction, clarity, calm, success in business… for self-empowerment?
I have a little treat for you today. I hope you like it…

- Step 1: Think of and do a movement that would feel good for you right now. In this moment. It could be a stretch, hip circles, a dance, some push ups? Try one thing. We are all in unique circumstances, so this needs to be what YOU need. Ask your body. It will tell you.
- Step 2: Jot down the move you did and how doing this made you feel. Stronger, energized, playful…Just one word will do. But write it down. I'll show you in an upcoming email how you can use this to be fierce and fearless, and joyful and fulfilled in your life.
- Step 3: Share with me your move + your word. Share with me a little about what this move meant to your moment, did you feel empowered in any way? For your participation, I will send you a little gift! YAY!