Life knocked on my door in unwelcome ways a few times recently which has left me feeling like I needed to figure out some Creative Self Empowerment Solutions to Appreciating Life. I've been thinking about that old saying, you know the one, “when life gives you lemons…”

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Sometimes there is a surplus (not such a good one) — just too many lemons — and there is a need for another recipe, to sweeten it up, to make more than just lemonade.
You have to really, dig deep, and find creative self empowerment solutions to appreciating life. The need arises to find other solutions and ways to generate a new (more desired) result to the way you feel.
I’ve had to do this in my personal life a lot lately with these compounded losses in my family this year. Those lemons were big and coming way too fast.
Several years ago, the last time I was knocked over by a ton of lemons, I turned away from my lifelong go-to healing tools and I ended up sad and isolating myself – foreign invaders I had never known before.
This time around, I knew I couldn't let that happen. In an effort to create new pathways for these emotions to process I turned to the things that have been my friends in the past. With conscious and consistent effort, I dove back into these activities, everyday – my journaling, gentle moving, weight training, and music, – lots and lots of music.
As I write, I find answers hidden deep within my soul to questions I didn’t realize I had, as I heal through movement, music, and reflection, I become more and more inspired to guide, lead and step into my truest calling.
For creative entrepreneurs, these lessons crossover into business and entrepreneurial practices
Cultivating your calling and fine tuning your message is an ongoing endeavor. A labor of love. A Creative journey on a windy path of exploration.
So, here’s what I got for ya, Creative Self Empowerment Solutions to Appreciating Life
and how to feel better, stronger and empowered when life it is tossing too many lemons your way:
Support. Support. Support.:
Find, build, create, and then hold on tight to your support system, a mix of friend’s family that will hold you up, let you cry, listen to you vent and set you straight when you need to hear the truth you are not telling yourself.
My support system; my family and dear friends make one beautiful quilt of unwavering support. We show up, we give, we share and we heal together, time after time.
Allow Yourself to Be Where You Are:
Honor time alone, solitude, reflection, be where you are in the moment. It may be challenging to carve out alone time, but it will be well worth it.
Yikes, that's a tough one, right? I admit, this one may take a little extra effort, but I highly recommend making accepting your circumstances a priority. In my experience, when the focus is on acceptance, a new space is opened up for appreciation, and that is where the real stuff lies.
Gratitude, appreciation, gratefulness, being thankful, these are all creative ways we find to make those lemons sweet, to use them up with a little sugar. Taking stock in who you love, who loves you, remembering your basic necessities which are so often overlooked, considering that support system we spoke of earlier, and the list continues…
Inspiration is Everywhere!
Join the Accept and Appreciate Experience:
Small, intimate, productive and like-minded, creative ladies!
Set up for a spectacular year, a spectacular business, a place that feels like home in your heart no matter where you are in the world.
Find your way from Distracted, Self-Doubt, Isolated, Lonely to
FOCUSED, Clear, Connected and Aligned so you can LEAD and Showup to do the work you were meant to do and live the life you are meant to live!
We will: