Don't You Need A Blog? – Website Done Today Series
Hi, I’m Patty Rose. I have a question that I get asked all the time by my clients when I’m helping them get their websites for their businesses up and running and it goes like this.
Do I really have to have a blog? I don’t want a blog. I’m not a writer. I don’t want to do video. I don’t how to blog. I’m not a blogger.
My answer is to Do you need a blog is – Yes, you must have a blog and here’s why.
Blogs are what give your static website life and this is only if you have your blog in the same location as your website, which is the only time I say yes, it’s a must. So using certain platforms, like the ones that I recommend, you can have your blog in the same place as what used to be a static website.
Where everything on your home page, about page and sales page pretty much stays steady, your blog page has new, fresh, content coming to it every day. But for the question ‘do you have to have a blog’, my answer is yes. I want you to set up your website with a blog attached. There are platforms that allow this and the next few videos will get into a little bit more of the why and the how to do that.
So come on over to This is Patty Rose and I’ll see you over there.
To Your Inspired Success!
Patty Rose