Dance pics for a Throwback Thursday.

The thing that is important about these pics (aside from the memories they evoke) is that they symbolize the growth that has taken place between and beyond each one. (scroll down for the picture gallery.)
The in-between part was a time when I thought that my goal was to get back to ‘her.'
To get my dancer's body back.
To be youthful and innocent and bubbly.
(which I kinda still am)
To have clarity and vision and to create.
(which I kinda never stop doing)
We aren't meant to go backward in life
It may seem so obvi! to say we aren't meant to go backward in life. But, have you ever thought about it?
Have you ever had that feeling, that goes something like one of these?:
I wish I could be like:
“that time I was confident in business”
“that time I stood up for myself”
“that time I lost weight and got really strong working out everyday.”
If you relate, don't worry – we have all had some version of this conversation.
What I didn't realize in those in-between times was that it wasn't ever about going BACK to anything. It is always about stretching and reaching and becoming > forward.
Inside there is a little voice that propels us to continually face the truth of who we are and how we want to show up in life.
Inside us there is a drive to grow and move toward our innermost truth and
to make our way through transition,
asking the big questions,
seeking self discovery,
and sometimes trudging out of muck and mud and plain ol' shi**y times.
We all know life has a way of tossing us curve balls which tend to push us to become
the new and renewed beings we are meant to become.
Curve balls that put us on the journey to learn (and often re-learn), and let go, to allow the evolution.
Let your path evolve. It is leading you where you are meant to go.
Go within, connect with your source, your inn goddess, or higher power, and FEEL with your body-heart-soul-mind.
Move, dance, play, and trust until you find a new plateau.
That girl – she still lives within.
The joy – it is alive and well.
The laughter – it somehow always returns.
The path – well, that path is full of many overlooks and rest stops and ah-ha's along the way.
For me – what I needed to learn was that I could allow a new version of ‘me' to emerge without losing all of who I was.
Maybe a little wiser, maybe a bit more empathetic and more compassionate (if even that was possible), maybe a touch more patient, and definitely a ‘hela' more confident. With all those juicy important bits of me, still intact.
They always find the way through to the surface.
So lovely,
if this kind of thing speaks to your heart and makes your soul do a little jig
– then you'll want to find out more about my new program!
Created to bring you on a journey
to unlock, open-up + reignite your inner spark and fire – even if she looks slightly different than the ‘old / younger' version of you OR you have no idea who she is supposed to become.
Click here to get all the details.

2020 – 2022 Message: Keep holding on, we have to stick together.

Hold tight, we are in for quite a ride. And in the meantime, please know, I am here to support you.
Stay Healthy and Well,