Online Biz Tips with Patty Rose
Here are 3 Must Haves for Your Website + The Simple How to’s
In addition to how and who and you serve, here are 3 Must Haves for your Website + The Simple How to’s
Read on so you don’t miss a beat.
If you have been following me you may be familiar with my method of teaching. First and foremost, I believe in planning for the best strategic approach. To go live and launch any part of your online business and website remember keep things simple to start. Done is better than perfect. Once you have something complete, you can go back and tweak it. So, let's get to this, shall we?
✅ Use Clear Call To Action
Tell them what to do by using Strong Calls to Action (CTA's). A strong CTA gives your visitors have a clear unquestionable direction to follow.
You want to tell you visitors in no uncertain terms, very clearly, and in plain language what to do. Have you ever heard the saying, “A Confused mind never buys”? Well, it is so true and accurate. A confused message will either delay someone from taking immediate action or deter them from taking any action at all. On your website, be very clear about what you are offering and how they can gain access to that offer.
When you are starting out, I highly recommend you use only one CTA per page. You may want to keep it to one clear CTA for the entire website. You can always grow and add on later. Once you have one CTA funnel passively working for you, then you can move on to the next one.
Website CTA Basics:
When you are starting out – think of 1 – yep JUST ONE – Clear, clean Call to Action. Consider things like:
- a complimentary call with you
- a Top 5 How To PDF giveaway
- a Top 5 How To PDF giveaway
And while all of these are all great ideas – I want you to DECIDE and PICK JUST ONE… For Now. You can always add and offer the others later.
✅ Use an Email Capture
Using an Email Capture which allows the ability to capture emails and build your list is the 3rd must.
You need to build your list, first and foremost. In Internet Marketing buzz phrases like the money is in the list are common, and for good reason.
An email list gives you a platform to speak authentically, offer tons of value and – ULTIMATELY build relationships with people who have asked for the value your share.
While social media is amazing and wonderful you do not have the ownership of your connections or your content.
Social platforms that you use could decide tomorrow to make changes that effect you. It may not be happen everyday, but it sure is possible and you would have no say in the matter. So, yes, engage in social, and connect and share. But, make sure you are building your list and continually provide value driven communications to your subscribers. The best way to do that is to offer something of value in exchange for an email address. Do that on your website using that CTA we discussed earlier.
Email Capture Basics:
There are so options for email service providers that it could be confusing. No matter which one software you choose, the process is similar. Here's how it works with AWeber.
- Create an account with AWeber
- Set up your first list
- Write your Welcome Email
- Create a form or a landing page
- Place the the embed code into your WordPress website
✅ Use a Calendar Scheduler
Cut out schedule headache with a Calendar Scheduling software so your clients can book calls with you on the spot. There are many options both free or paid easier and smoother process for both you and your clients.
Calendar Scheduling Basics:
With always having many choices, I like to narrow things down for you. Here's how I do it for my clients in Acuity Scheduling Software. Because the process is very similar in all calendar programs, so give it a try.
- Create an appointment type (ex: Get to Know You Call, or VIP Session)
- Set the days / times available for that appointment type
- Edit Confirmation emails settings
- Integrate other software such as an email service provider.
- Set your payment merchants if you are charging
- Create an intake form for that appointment type
- Get the simple share URL to generate a hyperlink (or the embed code for your web developer)
Summary / Recap
To sum it up here is a quick recap of 3 Must Haves for Your Website +The Simple How to’s to get them
- Create Clear Singular Call To Action
- Build Relationships via your OWN Email List
- Share Automated Call Scheduler link for booking calls and appointments
There are many aspects that go into a functioning and beautiful website. Which is why it always important to stay focused on the the most important goal you want to achieve.
Ready to PIVOT with a brand new website? Let me help you get it without the hassle or the high ticket pricing. My Empowered Woman's Website Program is now open
Keep holding on, we have to stick together.

Hold tight, we are in for quite a ride. And in the meantime, please know, I am here to support you.
Stay Healthy and Well,
[Friendly Disclaimer: I may be an affiliate of products, services and programs I recommend. If you choose to do business with these companies, I may get a small commission. Rest assured, I only recommend products and services that I have first hand knowledge or a positive experience with. Using my links does not change the price you pay in any way.]