You Found Your Why, Now What?

Most Recent Musings

We already know our ‘Why'…

is your Passion + Values + Skills – If you haven’t found your why yet check out our previous blog post (How to Find Your Why). For me it is Making the world a better place to live and work + friendships and community + marketing opportunity

My WHY is working with businesses to find the opportunities to have a positive impact on their communities. Which is why I focus on growing brands with a purpose in my business – Biz in Bloom.

How you do what you do is what differentiates you!

The to ask yourself is, WHAT makes your different?

I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a line Jeanine@bizinbloom or stop over to my FaceBook Page. I’d love to get to know more about you!

Jeanine Polizzi

Chief Clarity Officer | Educator + Author + Entrepreneur

Jeanine Polizzi is a Strategy Deviser, Marketing Professor and Brand Advocate.  For over 15 years she has been transforming businesses by giving them the tools to understand, leverage and communicate the competitive advantage of their brands. Jeanine’s passion is working with companies to make a difference both in the communities in which they operate and around the world.  Jeanine’s business..

Remembering Joy: Transforming from Worry and Self-Doubt

Remembering Joy: Transforming from Worry and Self-Doubt

to Purpose and Fulfillment Hey there, Creative Soul! 🌟 There is a concept in fitness that as you build lean muscle, that newly developed muscle replaces the fat that was once in its place. When we move toward remembering joy, we have the opportunity to transform worry...

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Defining Your Unique Success

Defining Your Unique Success

to Create Harmony in Creativity in Business and Life Hey there, Creative Soul! 🌟 Defining Your Unique Success As creative entrepreneurs, our pursuit of success isn't always confined to traditional metrics. Success isn't just about hitting milestones or achieving...

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Success Happens When You Feel Aligned

Success Happens When You Feel Aligned

Success Happens When You Feel Aligned Hey there, Creative Soul! 🌟 I opened up my project and said, Well, hello gorgeous! This is how we creatives experience work and Success Happens When You Feel Deeply Aligned with Your Work. Have you ever felt this way? Have you...

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About me

Founder of Create.Build.Share.™, Dance Strong™, The Inspirations System™, Author, Speaker, Get things Done Kind of Coach.

Patty Rose

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