Dance pics for a Throwback Thursday. The thing that is important about these pics (aside from the memories they evoke) is that they symbolize the growth that has taken place between and beyond each one. (scroll down for the picture gallery.) The in-between part was a...
Ya know that thing inside you that gets squashed, ignored, refused, avoided…? That thing that causes anxiety in the night, shallow breath, self-doubt, lack of motivation?… yeah that one. That’s your deepest desires, the truth of your heart and soul calling...
How are you holding up? I've been wanting to reach out. However, I was on NYC pause in more ways than one. I wasn't quite sure what to say these past few weeks.How can I help? That's the question I had been asking myself for weeks and the answers just felt pale and...
Success from Every.Single.Day. Back to the Basics We are going back to the basics and I can’t wait to tell you WHY this is so incredibly important and HOW you can make this super simple shift and realignment to focus on and find success from back to...
Isolation Sucks. I’ll say it again. Isolation sucks. Isolation squashes creativity. It holds you back. It causes loneliness and lack of connection. I know a thing or two about how much isolation sucks and how to get out of that feeling and into the excitement for your...
Have you heard of Entrepreneurial Loneliness? What happens when you try to do it all? Even worse, what happens when you try to do it all — alone. I can tell you from my experience that going it alone causes a bottle neck, in life and in business. Oh, crap let's...