This blog post about AWeber free for online business contains affiliate links. [Friendly Disclaimer: I may be an affiliate of products, services and programs I recommend. If you chose to do business with these companies, I may get a small commission. Rest assured, I...
What do you have to offer that no one else can? What makes you so special that I NEED to work with you vs. your competitors? What is your target audience struggling with right now? What is the solution you created to help your target audience?#1 We already know our...
There is a lot of talk about finding your purpose or your WHY in marketing. We are all in business for a reason. IF you are solely in business to MAKE money, while a worthy goal, people are going to feel that and you probably won’t have many customers. IF you...
Last week, I hosted a ‘Project in Progress' workshop for my Divi NYC Meetup. Projects in Progress is one of my favorite types of meetings because it is based on support, collaboration, and communication, and I am reminded how having many types of communication...
It’s Spring in NY, it is STILL cold! It sure hasn’t felt like Spring, but the calendar tells me – Spring is in the Air. I’m remaining hopeful! How about you? With spring cleaning in mind I am reminded of my mom teaching me to focus on one thing or I'd never be...