Inspiration is everywherE!
Most Recent Musings

How to Leverage Automation and Autoresponders
Online Business Tips with Patty Rose: 3 Must Haves for Your Website + The Simple How to’s to get them

Lessons learned from dance training that you can use today.
Everyone is learning something new right now. Everyone is navigating something that they never could have imagined. So, in that, when you're learning anything – let alone technology – I want to suggest that anytime you’re tackling learning and implementing technology, that we do so in a relaxed manner.

3 Must Haves for Your Website + The Simple How to’s
Online Business Tips with Patty Rose: 3 Must Haves for Your Website + The Simple How to’s to get them
Hey Lady, checking in on you…
Hey Lady! I'm checking in on you. I know that the 'ride' of entrepreneurship is a complex one with many ups and downs. I also know that when you are moving through this - navigating the downs is critical to your success. So, I'm checking in. What is your method of...
The Truth About Transition
Last year, I celebrated my 30th year as a self-employed, creative entrepreneur. Looking Back, enjoying conversations about where I started, sharing stories and remembering my big why's of ‘way-back’ I was reminded of how many transitions I had endured AND successfully...
So, Life just threw you some unexpected curve balls?
Life just threw you some unexpected curve balls? Hmm, what's that you are thinking? Life just threw you an unexpected curve ball, which they always are - unexpected. AND you are having a hard time functioning at the most basic levels, like and/or not making healthy...
At the Core of Who You Are…
Hey Love, this is for you. I want to talk about passions and entrepreneurial dreams. Do you realize that everything that you need to achieve them, you already have. This is a message about not giving up. I encourage you to use the tools you have to continue seeking,...
Synergistic Experience / Radio Interview: Living Legacy Leadership
Don't you just love that synergistic experience you get when you connect with another creative to discuss topics you are both passionate about? I was recently interviewed by the lovely Donna Kim-Brand for her radio show, Living Legacy Leadership. We talked about my...
Success from Every.Single.Day. Back to the Basics
Success from Every.Single.Day. Back to the Basics We are going back to the basics and I can’t wait to tell you WHY this is so incredibly important and HOW you can make this super simple shift and realignment to focus on and find success from back to...